
2010 -2020 was such a great period for the birth of cycling that I chose to “tip the hat” to the success in Grand Tours. I have chosen to represent some iconic moments that meant a great deal to me in abstract form.

The Peloton

The Grand Tour series were inspired by the speed of the peloton when watching the stages in person. When I think of the word peloton, in my mind its mass of speed and blurred colour full of energy. It is alive. The excitement of watching it as a spectator and experiencing the power and pace of the bikes as they rush past is like nothing else. The incredible speed means it is difficult to focus on any one point or person in the peloton.
I wanted to somehow encapsulate those few magical moments as a spectator when you are standing in anticipation on a fast corner. It was important to me to also represent the flag and riding colours of each country. This 3D effect is achieved by graduating from dark to lighter shades.

The Green Legs

This is a series representing the seasons of summer, autumn and winter.
Throughout these paintings, the color green has remained a dominant feature to represent the eco-environmental benefits of cycling. The bright colors with a floral perspective represent the beauty of cycling for each individual as beneficial for his soul and well-being.

Tokyo Olympics

Celebrating Great Britain’s efforts at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Each painting includes the precise number of gold, silver, and bronze medals.


In life we will come across people who do not share our principles or values.
This piece has allowed me to move on from toxicity and negativity.
I believe we should aim to create a positive future by finding our own unique path.
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